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By Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad

ISBN-10: 0195148061

ISBN-13: 9780195148060

This present day, Muslims are the second one greatest non secular staff in a lot of Europe and North the US. The essays during this assortment glance either on the influence of the growing to be Muslim inhabitants on Western societies, and the way Muslims are adapting to lifestyles within the West. half I seems to be on the Muslim diaspora in Europe, comprising essays on Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and the Netherlands. half II turns to the Western Hemisphere and Muslims within the U.S. , Canada, and Mexico. all through, the authors deal with such questions as: Can Muslims preserve their religion and identification and while settle for and serve as in the secular and pluralistic traditions of Europe and the USA? What are the bounds of Western pluralism? Will Muslims end up absolutely approved as fellow voters with equivalent rights? a good advisor to the altering panorama of Islam, this quantity is an imperative advent to the reviews of Muslims within the West, and the varied responses in their followed international locations.

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Bassam, like the home secretary of the previous government, argued for yet more and clearer evidence that such anti-Muslim discrimination exists. He suggested that, when perpetrators attack Muslims, they do so not because of hostility to the tenets of Islam but for racist reasons. Bassam concluded that existing legislation is sufficient to protect Muslims and others from discrimination. Despite this setback—or, rather, because of Bassam’s reasoning—the Home Office has commissioned a research project at the University of Derby to survey the existing situation, look for evidence of religious discrimination, and suggest a range of possible policy responses.

Inner London Education Authority the applicant, a teacher employed by the Authority, alleged that the Authority’s refusal to allow him time off to pray amounted to constructive dismissal. In rejecting this on behalf of the Court of Appeal, Lord Denning argued that to give the Muslim community “preferential treatment over the great majority of the people” on the basis of a freedom to practice their religion would be counterproductive, provoking discontent “and even resentment” amongst Mr. 28 So, despite numerous campaigns and high-profile activities by prominent public bodies, there is considerable frustration among British Muslims (again, as described by organs such as Muslim News and Q-News) that most instances of everyday discrimination remain unchallenged.

5 A sizeable proportion of each of these groups, it should be noted, is made up of “East African Asians” (and smaller numbers of Indians from Mauritius, Fiji, and the Caribbean) whose social, cultural, and economic patterns may differ from those of their counterparts who came directly from the subcontinent. Estimates of “community” numbers vary widely. 6 In any case, Muslims are the largest religious minority group in Britain. Religious affiliation is especially difficult to derive, however, since official sources such as the census have not included a religion question.

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Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens by Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad

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