Download e-book for iPad: Money and Growth: Collected Essays of Allyn Abbott Young by Perry Mehrling

By Perry Mehrling

ISBN-10: 0203263049

ISBN-13: 9780203263044

ISBN-10: 0415191556

ISBN-13: 9780415191555

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Of course there are other accumulating statistical records, imperfectly explored as yet by economists, which also provide inviting fields for research. I cannot dwell upon them or even specify them in detail. Many of them are byproducts of the administrative work of governments. In the aggregate they cover a great variety of economic activities, and we should know more about a wide range of economic problems if investigators who have ideas and whose minds are open to new ones would address themselves to the study of these easily available materials.

The renewed interest lately observable almost everywhere in the study of the economic writings of that period has been prompted, of course, by an interest in modern problems, again the heritage of war, which are curiously like the problems with which those earlier writings dealt. The periods when political economy has ceased its frontal attacks upon the communal problems of economic life and has turned inward upon itself to contemplate its own perfections or imperfections, or has occupied itself with questions of its proper “method” or of its standing as a “science” have been sterile periods.

I shall not attempt to particularize further, for I do not want to try to list a series of specific problems. The difficulty, as I have said, is not that problems are scarce, but that they press in upon us in such abundance and variety that selection is difficult. If I were to point to some of them and say that in my judgment those particular problems are the ones to which investigators could most profitably devote their energies, I might be diverting attention from other problems which equally deserve investigation.

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Money and Growth: Collected Essays of Allyn Abbott Young (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics, 29) by Perry Mehrling

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