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By William Henry Mathews

ISBN-10: 1906621098

ISBN-13: 9781906621094

Heritage, rationalization, legendary use, spiritual facets, surviving specimens, sleek puzzles, layout of mazes, rules of resolution. Richly informative. 151 illustrations.

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8 is also based on one of his drawings); to M. Picard (of the Librairie A. Picard) for leave to reproduce the drawing of the Susa mosaic, Fig. 37; to Mr. J. H. A. ), Secretary of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, for the use of the illustrations of sculptured rocks, Figs. 128 and 129; to the Rev. E. A. Irons for the photograph of the Wing maze, Fig. 60, and to the Rev. G. Yorke for the figure of the Alkborough "Julian's Bower," Fig. 59. The many kind-hearted persons who have earned the gratitude of the writer by acceding to his requests for local information, or by bringing useful references to his notice, will perhaps take no offence if he thanks them collectively, though very heartily, in this place.

2. Egyptian Labyrinth. Shrine of Amenemhat III. C. Fig. 2, which, like the diagram shown in Fig. , is reproduced by the kind permission of Professor Petrie from his book "The Labyrinth, Gerzeh and Mazghuneh" (1912), represents one of the shrines dedicated to the founder. Sufficient of the original foundations remained to enable the size and orientation of the building to be roughly determined. The Labyrinth must have covered an area of about moo feet from east to west by Boo feet from north to south, and was situated to the east of Lake Moeris, opposite the ancient town of Arsinoë (Crocodilopolis), and just to the south of the pyramid of Hawara, in the district known nowadays as the Fayûm.

FIG. —Egyptian Labyrinth. Restored Plan of Western Half. ) Whatever may have been its original object, it afforded several generations the advantages of a most convenient stone-quarry. Chapter 4. The Cretan Labyrinth (i) The Story of Theseus and the Minotaur CHARLES KINGSLEY in "The Heroes" and Nathaniel Hawthorne in "Tanglewood Tales" have familiarised most English-speaking people with the story of the exploits of Theseus, and doubtless most folk have some acquaintance with the first volume of Plutarch's "Lives," but it will not be out of place here to recall the portions of the legend which are associated with our particular theme, the parts, that is to say, which concern the Labyrinth of Crete.

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Mazes and Labyrinths: Their History and Development by William Henry Mathews

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