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By Jon Spoelstra

Tom Peters says, Jon Spoelstra is familiar with his stuff. Pat Williams, founding father of Orlando Magic says, I reflect on Jon the head marketer on the earth. The Wall road magazine says, Mr. Spoelstra is a kind of men who thinks 'out of the box'. during this revised variation, Jon offers a real-world video game plan for expanding your most sensible line with advertising and promoting principles that holiday in the course of the muddle and get your customer's consciousness. His 17 floor Rules―tested and proven―in activities and company, convey tips on how to differentiate your self out of your opponents. the focal point is on measurable effects that influence your backside line―without giant advertising and ads budgets. Going past advertising and marketing conception his strategy encourages you to push the outrageous envelope to realize speedy revenues. not only for revenues and advertising parents ―this publication is for someone who affects the direction and perspective of your organization.

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As China found out with flies, you can’t get rid of them. Same with naysayers. If it’s a lousy economy, the naysayer will say, “We can’t do that marketing outrageous stuff. We’ve got to be conservative. ” When the biggest bull is running around in the economy, the naysayer will say, “We don’t need to do that marketing outrageous stuff. We can afford to be conservative. ” These naysayers — regardless of a good or bad economy — want to label Marketing Outrageously as reckless and foolish. It’s not.

To conserve means to save — as in saving yourself to become a late-night snack for a bigger, revenue-hungry competitor. Outraging the Naysayer I’ve marketed in great economic times. I’ve also marketed in awful economic times, with unemployment and inflation soaring. ). There are two things that are consistent about marketing, whether in the Golden Age or the Toilet Age: 1. Naysayers live here. It doesn’t matter what the economy is doing. Naysayers are always there, like flies in China. A friend of my daughter spent some time in China.

I work with the product I’m given — and the people. Instead of sending them to Mexico, I get them to start making a list of what it’s gonna take. Two Small Favors The whole purpose of this chapter is to get you to ask yourself just one question. You know the question. It depends, of course, on your situation. It could focus on your department: What’s it gonna take to be the best marketing department in our industry this year? Or maybe it’s about your company: What’s it gonna take to raise revenue in staggering amounts this year?

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Marketing Outrageously Redux by Jon Spoelstra

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