Read e-book online Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and PDF

By Vadim Kuperman

ISBN-10: 0124291503

ISBN-13: 9780124291508

This ebook is meant as a text/reference for college kids, researchers, and professors drawn to actual and biomedical functions of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). either the theoretical and useful features of MRI are emphasised. The booklet starts off with a accomplished dialogue of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon in line with quantum mechanics and the classical thought of electromagnetism. the 1st 3 chapters of this e-book give you the beginning had to comprehend the elemental features of MR pictures, e.g.,image distinction, spatial solution, signal-to-noise ratio, universal picture artifacts. Then MRI functions are thought of within the following 5 chapters. either the theoretical and functional features of MRI are emphasised. The booklet ends with a dialogue of instrumentation and the rules of sign detection in MRI.

Key Features
* transparent development from primary actual ideas of NMR to MRI and its applications
* large dialogue of photo acquisition and reconstruction of MRI
* dialogue of other mechanisms of MR photograph contrast
* Mathematical derivation of the signal-to-noise dependence on simple MR imaging parameters in addition to box strength
* In-depth attention of artifacts in MR images
* complete dialogue of a number of ideas used for fast MR imaging together with swift gradient-echo imaging, echo-planar imaging, quick spin-echo imaging and spiral imaging
* Qualitative dialogue mixed with mathematical description of MR options for imaging stream

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If TR denotes the time interval between consecutive excitations (repetition time), then the total scan time, Tscan, equals M x TR. 1) 5x x 5y x Lsl , where 5x = L x / N and 5y = Ly/M, Lsl is the slice thickness. This result follows from the fact that image intensity is given by the convolution of the transverse magnetization in a slice and a two-dimensional pointspread function that has widths 5x and 5y in the x- and y-directions, respectively. The volume 5V is known as an imaging voxel and the area ~x x ~y is known as a pixel.

Immediately after the pulse the nuclear magnetization lies in the transverse plane. Using Eqs. f. pulse. This equation shows that the induced signal, known as the free induction 18 Chapter I Basic Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance decay (FID), is proportional to woMo. Since woMo c< ni73I(I + 1)B~, the sensitivity of signal detection in NMR experiments can be increased by using high field strengths and exciting nuclei that have large 7 and are most abundant in the sample. Because 1H nuclei satisfy the latter conditions in biological systems, they appear to provide the highest sensitivity in NMR studies in vivo.

The integral in Eq. 1) is taken over the sample's volume. For simplicity we consider a long cylindrical coil of length L with N turns encompassing a sample of volume V. f. field is parallel to the axis of the coil. We further assume that the coil's axis is perpendicular to B0. Based on the results obtained in the previous sections we can now describe a simple NMR experiment in which a system of nuclei is initially excited by a short 90 degree pulse with duration tp << T2, T1. Immediately after the pulse the nuclear magnetization lies in the transverse plane.

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Applications (Electromagnetism) by Vadim Kuperman

by Daniel

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