Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics: A Scientific by Bernd Kröger PDF

By Bernd Kröger

ISBN-10: 3319116886

ISBN-13: 9783319116884

ISBN-10: 3319116894

ISBN-13: 9783319116891

Hermann Haken (born 1927) is without doubt one of the “fathers” of the quantum-mechanical laser thought, formulated among 1962 and 1966, in robust festival with American researchers. afterward, he created Synergetics, the technology of cooperation in multicomponent systems.

The ebook concentrates at the improvement of his medical paintings throughout the first thirty-five years of his career.

In 1970 he and his doctoral pupil Robert Graham have been in a position to exhibit that the laser is an instance of a nonlinear process faraway from thermal equilibrium that exhibits a phase-transition like habit. to that end, this perception opened the best way for the formula of Synergetics.

Synergetics is ready to clarify, how very huge structures convey the phenomenon of self-organization that may be mathematically defined by way of basically only a few order parameters. the result of Haken’s examine have been released in seminal books Synergetics (1977) and AdvancedSynergetics (1983).

After the 12 months 1985 Haken targeted his learn at the macroscopic origin of Synergetics. This led him in the direction of the applying of synergetic ideas in drugs, cognitive study and, ultimately, in psychology.

A complete bibliography of Hermann Haken’s guides (nearly six hundred numbers) is integrated within the book.

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Additional info for Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics: A Scientific Biography of the Early Years

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Haken, 1954). Footnote on page 167. H. Haken, private communication. Interview April, 2011. There is little to be found on the biography of Kubo (1920 - 1995). See A. L. 2013 and the obituary in Physics Today: (Suzuki, 1996). 115 Nikitine invited Haken to give lectures at Strasbourg (1957). 116 Table 2 Mentioning of Hermann Haken in the university calendars of the University of Erlangen from the winter term 1952/53 until the winter term 1959/60 Mentioning of Hermann Haken in the university calendars of the University Erlangen117 Winter term (WS) 1952/53 till winter term 1959/60 Faculty Lecture WS Theoretical Physics Volz: Ausgewählte Kapitel aus der 1952/53 Institute Directorate: Quantentheorie Hilsch, Mollwo, Volz: H.

I [Haken] pursued the subject with the quantum mechanical Langevin-equations. Risken, who has been mentioned already, interpreted the topic with the semi-classical Fokker-Planck-equation and Weidlich introduced another aspect with the density matrix-equation or, as it is 158 otherwise known, the master equation“. At the beginning of the 1960s two other developments influenced the professional situation for Haken in Stuttgart: on one hand, due to the recommendations of the “Wissenschaftsrat”159, there was a forced expansion of the Technischen Hochschule into a “full-sized“ university (more faculties, not only those of the technical and natural sciences).

Aftter only three years, in 19 960, the first report was issued “Empfehlungen dees Wissenschaftsrates zum Ausbau der wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen“160. Thhis volume dealt with the scieentific universities. 161 Thhe recommendations of the board b had largely been implemented “one to one“ in thhe years to come. In early 1965 Ludwig Raiser (1904 – 1980), the chairman oof the advisory board, could d already declare the realisation of the recommendationns for the expansion of the universities u “with respect to the personnel upgrading haas been nearly finished.

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Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics: A Scientific Biography of the Early Years by Bernd Kröger

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