Download e-book for kindle: Handbook on Environmental Aspects of Fertilizer Use by International Potash Institute (IPI)

By International Potash Institute (IPI)

ISBN-10: 9024728010

ISBN-13: 9789024728015

ISBN-10: 9400968167

ISBN-13: 9789400968165

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Thus, in a number of countries, split application of nitrogen is recommended, including a dressing during the heading and flowering stages, not only to improve the internal characteristics of the grain and to reduce the risk of lodging, but also to encourage grain formation and to maintain or increase the 1 ,OOO-grain weight. Phosphorus increases the proportion of large grains, and improves the ratio of grain to straw. Large numbers of field trials on responsive soils have demonstrated favourable effects on 1,000-grain-weight (wheat, rye, barley, oats) and on hectolitre weight (barley, maize).

Proc. 12. , Izmir, Turkey, pp. 330. Internat. Potato Center (1978) Control of important nematode and insect pestsofpotatoes. Ann. Report, Lima, Peru, 33-41. Kolbe, W. schutz-Nachr. BAYER 30, 138-152. 43 Kurkela, T. (1975) Evaluation of the effects of forest fertilization on damages caused by diseases. 2. World Techn. Consult. Forest Diseases and Insects. New Delhi, FA()'Dok. No. 29263. Perrenoud, S. (1977) Potassium and plant health. Internat. 3, pp. 218. 44 D8 Frost and drought In general, fertilizers improve the resistance of plants to drought and also to frost, since this is related to the water status of the whole plant and to the turgidity and permeability of the plant cells.

1. (1977) The role of legumes in improving the quality of forage diets. ), Proc. Int. Mtg. on Animal Production from Temperate Grassland, 131-136. Irish Grassland and Animal Production Assoc .. An Foras Taluntais, Dublin, 1977. Thoni, E. (1981) Die optimale Stickstoffdiingung der Gras-Weisklee-Mischungen. Mitt. Schweiz. Landw. 29, 161-171. 0 cattle units per ha. In this situation grassland can provide practically all of the feed required during the grazing season and all of the roughage for the winter period.

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Handbook on Environmental Aspects of Fertilizer Use by International Potash Institute (IPI)

by Michael

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