Download e-book for iPad: Growing Up Muslim: Understanding the Beliefs and Practices by Sumbul Ali-Karamali

By Sumbul Ali-Karamali

ISBN-10: 0385740956

ISBN-13: 9780385740951

Writer Sumbul Ali-Karamali deals her own account, discussing the various and sundry questions she fielded from curious neighbors and schoolmates whereas growing to be up in Southern California—from vitamin, to decorate, to prayer and vacation trips and every thing in among. She additionally offers an academically trustworthy advent to Islam, addressing its inception, improvement and present demographics.

Through this enticing paintings, readers will achieve a greater figuring out of the typical facets of Muslim American existence, to dispel a number of the misconceptions that also stay and open a discussion for tolerance and reputation.

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Sadaqa is not permissible for us,” said the Prophet (2340). Charity was good enough for others but not for the proud descendants of Muhammad, who in any case needed it less and less as they became heirs to the growing Arab imperialism. But though sadaqa was not permitted, gifts were welcome. BarIra, Muhammad’s wife’s freed slave, presented Muhammad with a piece of meat that his own wife had given her as sadaqa. He took it, saying: “That is Sadaqa for her and a gift for us” (2351). 11 War booty Within a very short period, zakAt became secondary, and war spoils became the primary source of revenue of the Muslim treasury.

26). Muhammad reserved his prayer for the Day of Resurrection and he would use it for the salvation of the believers” (note 412). We have no means of knowing about the curse of Noah, but this kind of cursing is quite in Muhammad’s line. For example, look at his curse against several tribes: “O Allah! trample severely Muzar and cause them a famine \ldots O Allah! curse LihyAn, Ri’l ZakwAn, Usayya, for they disobeyed Allah and His Messenger” (1428). 9 The Prophet’s father and uncles We must admit, however, that Muhammad was consistent.

There was no tax on horses meant for use in a jihAd. “The horse which is used for riding in jihAd is exempted from the payment of zakAt” (note 1313). 3 An unpopular tax There is an interesting hadIs which shows that the zakAt tax was unpopular even with the highest. ’Umar was appointed the collector. When he reported that KhalId b. WalId (who later became a famous Muslim general) and even the Prophet’s own uncle, ’AbbAs, had refused to pay the tax, Muhammad replied: “You are unjust to KhalId, for he reserved the armours and weapons for the sake of Allah; and as for ’AbbAs, I shall be responsible .

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Growing Up Muslim: Understanding the Beliefs and Practices of Islam by Sumbul Ali-Karamali

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