Download e-book for iPad: Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits by Earl L. Grinols

By Earl L. Grinols

ISBN-10: 051116629X

ISBN-13: 9780511166297

ISBN-10: 0521830133

ISBN-13: 9780521830133

The general public decision-making strategy governing the problem of on line casino playing has a tendency to guide to improper results, and the experiences in most cases supplied to justify the phenomenon are conceptually improper. trying to describe what precise monetary improvement is, this research establishes the framework for a sound cost-benefit research to evaluate no matter if it truly happens and its tools may be utilized to the on line casino in the US. Accounting for quite a lot of monetary and social elements, Earl Grinols concludes that the social charges of on line casino playing significantly outweigh their social merits.

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The sheriff of the county . . and the prosecutor of the county. . And in the police department of the city at that time . . 28 Edwin Edwards, Governor of Louisiana, became an example of the potential for dishonesty when he was found guilty in 2000 of seventeen charges of corruption in connection with extortion and awarding of casino licenses. The book Bad Bet on the Bayou by former Times Picayune writer Tyler Bridges documents the sad story, including how extremely hard it was to gather the necessary evidence for conviction.

21 Apparently, gambling affected some individuals then in much the same way it does today. ”22 Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, wrote “in the state lotteries the tickets are really not worth the price which is paid by the original subscribers, and yet commonly sell in the market for twenty, thirty, and sometimes forty per cent advance. ”23 The willingness to overpay that Smith noted in his time is still evident today. Assume that n people play a simple lottery that taxes t percent of proceeds, charging c per ticket.

Gambling has other enduring characteristics. For example, games of chance have traditionally been vehicles for fraud, often involving promoter scams and the inability of promoters to make promised payments. ”24 The 1970 edition states, “As long as there has been gambling, there have been devices, such as dishonest dice and marked cards, to victimize opponents in a social game. . ”25 Verifying that the odds applied and the payouts made are correct on Internet wagers presents new types of technological challenges.

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Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits by Earl L. Grinols

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