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By Giorgio Apostolo

;Fiat G91 [Aircraft Profile 119] КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Название: Fiat G91 Автор: Giorgio Apostolo Серия: airplane Profile 119 Издательство: Profile guides Ltd Год издания: 1966 Страниц:12 Формат: PDF в rarЯзык: английский Размер: 8.33 Мб Для сайта: Мир книгВ 1953 году Командование НАТО в Европе объявила конкурс на легкий ударный самолет, который выиграл итальянский Fiat G91. Однако на вооружение он был принят только в ФРГ, Италии и Португалии. Мог использоваться как штурмовик или разведчик zero

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He asked. “Seems to me like you're in prime shape to become a professional rassler,” I said. “He could be a weightlifter or a basketball player,” suggested Ivor. “Right,” I said. “You been looking at this through jaundiced eyes, Brother Gustave. ” He shook his head. ” “I'm not going to play the freak just to satisfy his ego,” answered Gustave. ” “It's too late for that,” said Ivor sympathetically. ” “Right,” he said. ” He paused. ” “Mighty few people of your particular physical attributes get forced to do anything they don't want to do,” I agreed.

He showed up kind of late, and they barely had time to bury him before dark,” I explained. ” “Let's get busy,” said Ivor, tossing me a shovel. ” I asked. ” “Well, actually, I had in mind something more in the line of offering you encouragement and giving the Baron the benefit of my sage advice and worldly experience,” I said. “Ten extra American dollars,” said Ivor. “Fifty,” I said. “Fifteen,” he countered. “Tell you what,” I said. “We'll split the difference. 29. It took us the better part of two hours to dig down to old Gustave, and then we found that we weren't strong enough to pull his casket out of the hole, so we unlatched it and I kind of climbed in with him and handed him up to Ivor, who dragged him by the feet over to the cart and loaded him up.

Well, Doctor Jones,” said the Baron. ” I said. ” “All in good time,” he said. “One day I shall turn out beauty queens galore, but first we must complete the prototype. ” “That ain't never stopped certain select politicians and constabularies I've known,” I offered. “This one will be a worthy representative, I assure you,” said the Baron. He turned to Ivor. ” I asked. ” “Just poor luck,” said Ivor. ” I asked. “The locals keep trying to burn the castle down,” answered the Baron. ” He paused. “Of course, I can see their side of it, too.

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Fiat G91 by Giorgio Apostolo

by Jeff

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