Stefan Marinov's Eppur si Muove PDF

By Stefan Marinov

Axiomatics, basics and experimental verifications of absolutely the space-time conception.

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The parallel changes as one ascended the slopes of Chimborazo or traveled from the equator to the poles provided a strong argument for the primacy of climate in controlling vegetation composition and structure. Humboldt drew this connection in the “Physical Tableau” portion of the Essay, where he turned from the Andean vegetation tour to his account of Mont-Blanc and the Pyrenees.

He then commences an elevational tour of Andean vegetation, starting with subterranean fungi and submarine algae, and then moving up the slopes from sea level to the Chimborazo summit. Emphasis is on physiognomy and floristic composition of vegetation, with occasional discussion of elevational limits of taxa or growth-forms and their environmental tolerances. He takes the reader on several digressions, particularly on plants of particular economic43 or biogeographic44 interest. Once Humboldt reaches the snowfields of Chimborazo, the tour is complete.

They did not return to St. Louis until September 1806, and reports did not reach Europe until 1807, after the Essay had gone to press. 48. Humboldt summarized his geological thinking in A Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks, in Both Hemispheres, published in 1823. He also speculated extensively on intercontinental geology in the Personal Narrative. 49. The extent to which Amazonia was cleared and cultivated in pre-Columbian times remains controversial. However, there is consensus, based on archeological and paleoecological studies of the past few decades, that forest clearance and agriculture were widespread in the region.

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Eppur si Muove by Stefan Marinov

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