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By Sergei K. Godunov, Evgenii I. Romenskii (auth.)

ISBN-10: 1441933999

ISBN-13: 9781441933997

ISBN-10: 1475751176

ISBN-13: 9781475751178

Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Conservation Laws provides a systematization of alternative types in mathematical physics, a research of the constitution of conservation legislation, thermodynamical identities, and reference to standards for well-posedness of the corresponding mathematical difficulties.
The thought provided during this publication stems from learn performed by means of the authors about the formulations of differential equations describing explosive deformations of metals. In such techniques, elasticity equations are utilized in a few zones, while hydrodynamics equations are said in different zones. Plastic deformations seem in transition zones, which results in residual stresses. The steered version includes a few leisure phrases which simulate those plastic deformations. sure legislation of thermodynamics are utilized in order to explain and research differential equations simulating the actual methods. This ends up in the specified formula of differential equations utilizing generalized thermodynamical potentials.

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3. 5) componentwise (cf. 21)): 3 lT~q = 3 LLWpilTijWqj. 7) in the study of the stressed state of a medium at a point. 2. As is known from linear algebra, any symmetric matrix can be represented in the form (cf. 8)) o (UU* - 1) where U is an orthogonal matrix. 1) with an orthogonal matrix W, we see that the stress tensor IIlTijll takes the form 0] 0 oS2 o U*W*. 8) 0 • The passage from the stress tensor IIlTij II to the diagonal stress tensor (cf. 8)) by the above procedure is called the reduction of the stress tensor to the principal axes.

We know that the stress tensor at any point of an isotropic medium is determined by the Murnaghan formulas (cf. 1) where p = kl~~k3' if the stressed state of the medium in a neighborhood of a fixed point can be obtained from the standard state by adiabatic deformation (with constant entropy S) described by a linear transformation c= Ilc;;1I = U [~. 2) = det V = +1. 1), the decomposition of C contains the matrix V. 1). It turns out that for such a characteristic we can take the so-called metric deformation tensor .

E = E(kl' k2, k3, 5). We emphasize that for parameters describing the stressed state we take the extension coefficients kl' k2, k3, and the rotation matrix U but not the matrix V because, the standard state of an isotropic medium with the entropy 5 remains unchanged under any rotation V Indeed, a stressed stated is associated with two matrices which differ only by the right orthogonal factor V(l) or V(2), and are the same in an isotropic medium. That is why for parameters describing the stressed state we take only the orthogonal matrix U and the extension coefficients kl' k2, k3.

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Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Conservation Laws by Sergei K. Godunov, Evgenii I. Romenskii (auth.)

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