Electron-Beam-Induced Nanometer-Scale Deposition - download pdf or read online

By N. Silvis-Cividjian

ISBN-10: 0120147858

ISBN-13: 9780120147854

Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics merges long-running serials-Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics and Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy. This sequence beneficial properties prolonged articles at the physics of electron units (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at low and high energies, microlithography, picture technological know-how and electronic photo processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing tools utilized in these kinds of domain names.

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1996), Matsui and Mori (1986) Luisier et al. (2004), Weber et al. (1995b) Ochiai et al. (1996) Luisier et al. (2004) Luisier et al. (2004) Luisier et al. (2004) SILVIS-CIVIDJIAN AND HAGEN C Precursor molecular formula Fe Ga Os Pd Pt Fe(C5H5)2 Ga(CH3)/AsH3 D2GaN3 Mo(CO)6 Ni(CO)4 Ni(C5H5)2 Os3(CO)12 Pd(OOCCH3)2 Pd(C3H5)(C5H5) (CH3)3(C5H5) Pt or C5H5PtMe3 or CpPtMe3 (CH3C5H4)(CH3)Pt Re Rh Pt(PF3)4 Re2(CO)10 [RhCl(PF3)2]2 Ru Si SiO2 SiOx W [RhCl(CO)2]2 Ru3(CO)12 SiH2Cl2 Si(C2H5O)4 Si(OCH3)4 W(CO)6 3 torr Gas/Liquid 54 mtorr ?

The nozzle must be brought in close proximity to the sample surface where the electron beam is incident, such that the line of sight intercepts the beam at the surface of the device (Figure 22). The angle between the nozzle and the substrate usually is 45 degrees. The nozzle position above the specimen can be fixed or adjusted manually or automatically by means of an XYZ translation stage. Examples of gas 30 TABLE 1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF EBID/IBID PRECURSORS Deposit Al Au Co Cr Cu Vapor pressure at room temperature Phase AlCl3 Al(CH3)3 AuCl3 Me2Au(hfac) 700 mtorr ?

1996) formulated the same dependence in a slightly different way: a low resistivity can be obtained with a high current density. We believe this is a more correct formulation. Ochiai et al. 6 m Á cm, only two times larger than the bulk copper value. This result is explained by the very high current density exposure of 1270 A/cm2, created by a 1 nA beam focused in a 10 nm spot. Lau et al. (2002) found a similar relationship when depositing cobalt between two electrodes. Tao et al. (1990) used IBID to deposit platinum films and the resistivities were in the range of 70–700 m Á cm, decreasing with higher current densities.

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Electron-Beam-Induced Nanometer-Scale Deposition by N. Silvis-Cividjian

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