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Status is also inversely associated with tenure. Frequent fluctuations in status generally come with frequent mobility, what amounts to a succession of Career Paths in High Cuisine╇╇ 41 brief tenures in each job—a particularly clear pattern in the career of the chef at a prestigious middle-status restaurant (Figure 3). This is not, theoretically, a necessary association: a career with status fluctuations could in principle be constituted by long tenures in each job. By the same token, a career steady in status could in theory be constituted by short tenures in each job.

Expertise in high-end New American cuisine) that can help them obtain jobs. In contrast, chefs with more prestige and high status have well-defined occupational identities, so being typecast can be instrumental for being offered jobs. 34 Whether they attended culinary school or not, the chefs I interviewed uniformly dismissed it on the grounds that it does not provide real training because this can only be acquired on the job. They maintained that formal education only gives a foundation: knowledge of the techniques, stocks, sauces, and dishes of the classical canon.

Then, for the higher positions, advancement in rank comes at the expense of restaurant status. This is especially the case in the move to the first executive chef job; careers tend to remain steady status-wise afterwards. S. city other than New York or San Francisco. The negative association between rank and restaurant status is especially salient in the oscillating career paths of chefs at prestigious middle-status restaurants. Their upward moves in rank usually come with a decrease in restaurant status; in particular, when they move from sous-chef to executive chef, they trade a job at a high-status restaurant for one at a prestigious middle-status restaurant.

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Чертежи кораблей французского флота ABER WRACH

by Jason

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