James L. Hirsen's The Coming Collision: Global Law Vs. U.S. Liberties PDF

By James L. Hirsen

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The feminist movement suffered a severe defeat in 1982 when the Equal Rights Amendment faded into oblivion. However, feminist activists found a new, exciting international playground where they could nurture and develop their ideas. At the international level, they need not be concerned about the restrictions of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. They found a new way to impose their vision by using United Nations treaties. Thus, the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)1 was born.

UN Conferences Are Not What They Seem Typically, UN conferences are ten to twelve days long. They commonly have over one hundred different countries represented, with some countries sending twenty or more individuals. With the media and politicians, these conferences sometimes have tens of thousands of people. UN conferences are yet another means utilized by the globalist community to promote international law. These conferences have the appearance of being democratic gatherings of delegates from all over the globe where input is obtained from all participants.

Taxpayer funds are secretly funneled into coercive population control programs via UN-related agencies. The population control agenda constitutes just one more piece in the international law puzzle that, when assembled, shows a comprehensive attack on national sovereignty. Notes 1. , 1995), 108. 2. Pro-Life E-News Canada. "Three Population Experts Receive UN Award" (10 June 1997). org/. 3. Ibid. 4. Margaret Sanger, "A Plan for Peace," Birth Control Review (April 1932): 107-108. 5. Linda Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right: Birth Control in America (New York: Penguin, 1990), 64.

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The Coming Collision: Global Law Vs. U.S. Liberties by James L. Hirsen

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