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By Brent Weeks

ISBN-10: 0316087548

ISBN-13: 9780316087544

Gavin Guile is the Prism, the main strong guy on the planet. he's excessive priest and emperor, a guy whose strength, wit, and style are all that preserves a tenuous peace. yet Prisms by no means final, and Guile is aware precisely how lengthy he has left to stay: 5 years to accomplish 5 most unlikely pursuits.

But whilst Guile discovers he has a son, born in a miles nation after the warfare that placed him in strength, he needs to make a decision how a lot he's prepared to pay to guard a mystery which can tear his global aside.

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Such theatre! ” I put as much sneer into my voice as I could muster. “Ah, you must be the physician who diagnosed the case. Your presence is no longer required. ” The magician stole forward. He was not garbed in the flamboyant robes I’d expected, but in dark, close-fitting garments, such as those worn by nomad warriors of the wilderness. ” “Now is not the time for illusions,” I said briskly. “We can all see the prince is gravely ill. ” “No,” said the magician, and for a brief moment his strange dark eyes burned with an amber spark.

Glam strode to the sausage-shaped bundle of fur, and tried to pick it up with one hand. Agnar was braced and ready. He made no sound and the fur did not move. Glam pulled harder, but Agnar braced his feet all the more firmly. He was sweating now. Glam grunted, and laid two hands on the bundle, and now a titanic struggle began, Glam hauling up, Agnar fighting to push against the bench beam with all the strength of his muscle and sinew yet make no noise. But then Glam put his back into it and the old cloak tore in two.

You cannot contain me. You will return. You will call for me. You know you will. Like speaks to like. ” For some moments I considered his words, then I carefully placed the unconscious prince back on the ground. Arcaran was sitting amid the flames of the fire, the most beauteous sight I could imagine, the most treacherous. I lifted the lion’s-eye pendant in one hand and held it up before my face on its chain. “I will never be without you,” I purred. ” He grinned at me, confident. I dropped my jaw into a smile and spoke in a voice of command.

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The Black Prism (Lightbringer, Book 1) by Brent Weeks

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