Sport and Challenges to Racism (Global Culture and Sport) by Karl Spracklen, Jonathan Long PDF

By Karl Spracklen, Jonathan Long

ISBN-10: 0230236154

ISBN-13: 9780230236158

With a global line-up of individuals, this book examines demanding situations to racism in and during game. It addresses the several brokers of switch within the context of wider socio-political shifts and explores problems with coverage formation, practices in recreation and anti-racism in game, and the problem to recreation this present day.

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Such policies will not almost exclusively focus on the non-white allochtone Other, but also reflect on the dominance and normativeness of the white autochtone Self in sports policy and on the differences within and similarities between the categories of allochtonen and autochtonen.

Indd 20 9/28/2010 10:41:14 AM 2001a: 2). However, the specific racial/ethnic categorisations that these two views towards sport generate and (re)produce have received relatively little scholarly attention until now. As several authors have discussed, racial and ethnic categorisations are essential in structuring the very ways in which people think about and give meaning to race and ethnicity (Hall, 1995). , 2004). They give people a definition of what race or ethnicity is (Hall, 1995). This chapter critically interrogates the common sense and often taken for granted use of racial/ethnic categorisations in Dutch sports policy and everyday discourse about race and ethnicity.

This may not be a conscious process; ‘white’/autochthonous people may reproduce and strengthen the status quo without knowing it (Hall, 1995). Cultural racism The dominance of a (white) autochtoon (sports policy) discourse that strengthens and revolves around this hierarchical relationship between autochtonen and allochtonen determines the kind of integration that it will finally produce. Such a discourse reveals what several authors have labelled the operation of ‘cultural racism’ (Carrington and McDonald, 2001a).

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Sport and Challenges to Racism (Global Culture and Sport) by Karl Spracklen, Jonathan Long

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