Download e-book for iPad: Roles of the Northern Goddess by Dr Hil Davidson

By Dr Hil Davidson

ISBN-10: 0203159578

ISBN-13: 9780203159576

ISBN-10: 0415136105

ISBN-13: 9780415136105

ISBN-10: 0415136113

ISBN-13: 9780415136112

Roles of the Northern Goddess offers a hugely readable examine of the worship of the pre-Christian, Northern goddesses. With its use of proof from early literature, well known culture, legend and archaeology, this ebook investigates the position of the early searching goddess and the neighborhood goddesses who have been all in favour of all points of the loved ones and the farm. What emerges is that the goddess used to be either benevolent and harmful, a robust determine heavily considering delivery and demise and with the future of people.

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The female wood-spirits were sometimes helpful to hunters and charcoalburners, the people most likely to encounter them, and might make sexual advances to them, but in general they were viewed as dangerous, hostile beings. ). While usually young in appearance, they were sometimes seen as old women or in bird or animal 25 — M i s t re s s o f t h e A n i m a l s — form, or might take on the shape of a man’s wife or sweetheart. ). ). The usual term, skogsrå, used for such beings in Sweden must be linked with the word råda, to rule, possess (Granberg 1935: 105), while she is also known as skogsfruen, the Lady of the Woods.

4). She existed before the gods along with the giant Ymir, whom she nourished with her milk. The cow licked the salty iceblocks which existed before the worlds were formed, and a handsome being called Buri emerged. His son Bor was the father of the god Odin and his brother, who slew Ymir and created the earth from his body (Gylfaginning 5). We do not know what source Snorri used when he recorded this in the thirteenth century. ) believes that it comes from an Indo-European myth, but in the Iranian parallel he quotes, the primeval animal was an ox and not a cow.

A hind shot later had a hank of blue wool in its stomach. Again when Donald MacIan of Lochaber got the better of the supernatural guardian with the help of his dogs, he was able to shoot a white hind, which he had long pursued unsuccessfully. As his arrow flew he heard the glaistig cry out ‘Stick in the stomach, arrow’ (MacDougall 1978: 67). In a tale recorded more recently from the Cairngorms, two poachers took refuge in a mountain hut in a blizzard, and were told by an old woman they met there that they must leave a fat hind for her on a certain cairn on the first Monday of every month (Gray 1987: 14).

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Roles of the Northern Goddess by Dr Hil Davidson

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