More math games and activities from around the world by Claudia Zaslavsky PDF

By Claudia Zaslavsky

ISBN-10: 155652501X

ISBN-13: 9781556525018

Math, heritage, paintings, and global cultures come jointly during this pleasant ebook for children, even if you locate conventional math classes uninteresting. greater than 70 video games, puzzles, and initiatives inspire young ones to hone their math abilities as they calculate, degree, and remedy difficulties. The video games span the globe, and lots of were performed for millions of years, akin to three-in-a-row video games like Achi from Ghana or the forbidden online game of Jirig from Mongolia. additionally integrated are inventive board video games like Lambs and Tigers from India and the Little Goat online game from Sudan, or bead and string puzzles from China, and Möbius strip puzzles from Germany. via compelling math play, kids will achieve self belief and feature enjoyable as they know about different methods humans world wide degree, count number, and use styles and symmetry of their daily lives.

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Does your suan pan look like the one in Figure 6? 4+6 (three ways) Figure 9c 4+7 Figure 9d THINGS TO THINK ABOUT RND DO 1. Show several large numbers on your suan pan. 2. Practice adding small numbers on the suan pan. Try these examples: Japanese serebon 46 Figure 10 Start with 4. Then show 4 + 1 (two ways); 4 + 2; 4 + 6 (three ways); 4 + 7 Figure 9a Figure 9b Figure 9c Figure 9d 3. Compare the Chinese abacus with the Russian abacus. Which is easier to learn? Which is faster to operate? Which is easier to read?

Draw a trapezoid (four-sided figure) intersecting the triangles. Figure 2c Figure 2a 4. Go over the lines with a pen or marker. 5. Mark the 17 points where lines intersect. The game is played on these points. Three points near the top are marked with the letter T. Figure 2d Draw another triangle MflTERIflLS PLAYING THE GAME The same as for Leopards and Tigers (page 29), except that Player One has three counters of one type and Player Two has fifteen counters of a different type 1. Player One moves first and places one Tiger in one of the points marked T.

Compare them with our calendar year. 3. Make a list of the months in our year. Give each month a name according to the weather or an important activity. Draw pictures to show what happens in each month. f e TV»o i ne CalpTirTat* v-ais;J iuai ° +^ 37froM e ic w** *° ^ Ceft+raM, flMe Symbol fgor Da Figure 12a 3r thousands of years the Maya (have lived in the region that is now southern Mexico and northern Central America. The Maya were great astronomers. They devised their calendars more than 2,000 years ago.

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More math games and activities from around the world by Claudia Zaslavsky

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