Download e-book for kindle: Marketing Careers in the Licensing Industry by Institute for Career Research

By Institute for Career Research

ISBN-10: 1585114022

ISBN-13: 9781585114023

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Think of museum gift shops, charity events and fundraisers, or environmental organizations like the World Wildlife Fund. 30 GETTING STARTED IF YOU ARE STILL IN COLLEGE, BUT YOU THINK YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE THE world of licensing, consider an internship or summer job. There are a couple of ways to do this: Examine The Licensing Letter Sourcebook, which is usually available in the reference area of a public library. This bible of the industry lists licensors, licensees, agents and others involved in this business.

The Licensing Letter Sourcebook will help you locate that information. Internet job boards are potential sources of employment, although you may have to go through a number of links to find what you want. Be creative with titles. Not everything will be found under licensing. go. com/disneycareers, for instance, keyword licensing, may lead you to a variety of specific and related jobs in this field. Or try the keywords: consumer products, product licensing, marketing, advertising, merchandising or brand manager.

Careers exist in the manufacturing companies that produce licensed products, such as Reebok, Adidas and Puma; toy companies Mattel and Hasbro; video game companies like EA or Midway Games; and publishers like Scholastic, Macmillan, and Prima. You can also work in law firms that specialize in licensing, advertising agencies, on special projects (like when a large company is sponsor to a major sporting event), in companies that do product promotion or for large (or small) media companies. While you may not start off in licensing, by working in one of these fields, you will gain experience and knowledge about product licensing.

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Marketing Careers in the Licensing Industry by Institute for Career Research

by Brian

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