Managing the Human Resource in the 21st century - download pdf or read online

By Zorlu Senyucel

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Formal groups that are created by management are constantly required to report back to management. Once teams are set, however, they are given enough flexibility to finish the tasks without constant need for supervision. Teams are more selfmanaged and autonomous then groups. (Greenberg and Baron, 2003). Teams and team working is not a new idea. Teams have been in organisational life since the 80s. g. Scientific Management) were failing. Classical theories lacked dynamism and flexibility and the developments in technology needed better ideas for cultivating the potential of technology and applying it to work.

HR practitioners need to re-write the rules for how organizations operate internally, interact with their employees, and use technology, not only to increase productivity by making business transactions easier to carry out, but also improve service delivery by being more employee and customer focused. Literature presents three main types of emerging structures: adaptive, flexfirm and virtual. Adaptive organisation: In this type of organisations employees have a lot of freedom in making their own decisions.

Formal groups are the ones that are established by the management to carry out certain organisational tasks. Membership to formal groups is not voluntary. It is the management that decides to put employees in formal groups or to end their membership; employees have very little choice on the matter. Once the desired organisational task is achieved, formal groups are often dispersed, until the next time they are needed. Work committees are a good example of formal groups. They are formed to command, supervise, create or accomplish, projects or outcomes of tasks.

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Managing the Human Resource in the 21st century by Zorlu Senyucel

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