New PDF release: Gunsmithing fundamentals : a guide for professional results

By Franklin Fry

ISBN-10: 0830603328

ISBN-13: 9780830603329

ISBN-10: 0830629327

ISBN-13: 9780830629329

Discusses the artwork of gunsmithing with specialist effects.

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This too can be removed with minimal apparent damage, but extreme care has to be used to keep sub-surface rust from starting again. When sub-surface rust pits are enlarged and the pits join together, large patches of rust will form and flake off. Nothing you do, short of draw-filing and rebluing the gun, will help. Prevention is lots better than cure. Mr. Murphy seems to have a hand in all we do. Guns are no exception. My underpaid helper, Rodney, had spent six or eight hours (of his own time, of course), two boxes of Q-Tips, and a full bottle of #9 cleaning his favorite rifle last week.

Top: High brass setting. Bottom: Low brass setting. lubricants or preservative into the trigger group, bolt, receiver, and magazine areas. Remember to use it sparingly. Do not spray cleaners on scopes. Cleaners can dry out seals, and why take a chance on having your scope lose its airtight quality? Barrels of high-powered rifles are subject to gilding metal fouling. Jacket metal is microscopically deposited or rubbed off in the bore. Excessive buildup of this metal can affect accuracy. " Perhaps the best advise I can give is to use patches saturated with super quality bore cleaners, one pass through the bore for each shot fired.

The goal should be to remove oils and greases solidified and hardened with powder residues, dirt, and bits of last week's lunch. Scrub dirty parts with a brush, flush the loosened dirt off with hot water, and wash again with Gunk. Adding some clean oil to your Gunk (about one part oil to 10 parts Gunk) will leave a thin film of protection on the metal as the Gunk evaporates. Allow the parts to drain and dry for 12 hours or so before packing them with preservative grease. Gunk can be stored and reused a great number of times and when it is too grungy for firearms, it will still be good for the heavy, dirty machinery (try it on your car engine).

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Gunsmithing fundamentals : a guide for professional results by Franklin Fry

by Daniel

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