Download e-book for iPad: Encyclopedia of Life Science (Facts on File Science Library) by Katherine E Cullen

By Katherine E Cullen

ISBN-10: 0816070083

ISBN-13: 9780816070084

ISBN-10: 1438127057

ISBN-13: 9781438127057

Meant to counterpoint the fabric ordinarily taught in highschool biology and introductory biology classes, 'Encyclopedia of existence technological know-how' is a brand new, quantity reference set that displays the basic strategies and ideas pointed out by means of the nationwide Committee on technological know-how schooling criteria.

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Extra info for Encyclopedia of Life Science (Facts on File Science Library)

Example text

Nor are the very weakened colonies “robbed” by nearby honeybees. Robbing is a behavior by honeybees to remove honey from nearby, usually weaker, colonies when resources are scarce. Honeybee scientists termed this ailment CCD, shortened from colony collapse disorder, because it was not clear what caused these symptoms and whether it was a disease or simply a symptom of stresses or pesticide poisoning. While to most people these symptoms are totally new, digging back into old papers one finds a report published in 1987 describing “disappearing disease,” and yet another paper describes colonies with only brood left, but it was published in 1897!

Chrysophytes store their food reserves as oil droplets, giving buoyancy to the structures positioning them close to the surface of a body of water so they can capture sunlight to fulfill their energy needs. With sufficient energy and nutrients, diatoms can reproduce asexually daily; however, this leads to progressively smaller progeny. Occasional sexual reproduction allows a full-sized organism to develop. The division Pyrrophyta (fire algae) consists of the dinoflagellates, unicellular algae that also possess chlorophyll c but that more closely resemble ciliated protists than other algae.

The disappearance of bees due to tracheal mites happens only in early spring, when mite-infested bees fly out and die in the field. Nosema disease. Nosema-infected colonies also show much higher winter mortality rates, but usually there is a small cluster of bees inside the hive and the symptoms do not occur in the fall. After learning that a new species of Nosema found in Europe and Taiwan was attacking the Western honeybees, scientists thought that Nosema ceranae might be the culprit. Usually when a new disease or parasite strikes a new host, it causes massive die-offs (as the varroa and tracheal mite did) because the host has not evolved to have adaptations for resisting the new disease or parasite and therefore the virulence is much higher.

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Encyclopedia of Life Science (Facts on File Science Library) by Katherine E Cullen

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