Cybermarketing. How to use the Internet to market your goods by Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton and Upkar Pardesi PDF

By Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton and Upkar Pardesi (Eds.)

ISBN-10: 0750647043

ISBN-13: 9780750647045

This article is a consultant to utilizing the net for advertising and marketing overlaying intranets for Marcomms, digital direct and one to 1 advertising and marketing. It contains chapters on advertising and marketing info structures, model, expense, innovations, matters and case studies.

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Again, remembering the 10/90 rule (90 per cent of what you do on the Internet must add value, 10 per cent can sell – any other combination fails), unless you fail to add value to your target audiences you will fail to achieve results. You can only add value if you know what is of value to them. This chapter has two broad aims. First, it has been designed to provide an overview of the market research processes and methods as used in conventional marketing. These can be used to understand your customers and their use of the Internet.

Organizations do not, therefore, have to be the first in the field of technological innovation. g. the video industry where Betamax was first in and technically superior but failed to establish itself as the standard. Many organizations survive by monitoring the technological developments in the market and quickly adapting their products to incorporate the latest ideas. Others improve on the research and development of their competitors and launch products with additional benefits to the consumer.

Please be warned! Assessing the physical environment The environmental factors mentioned above have a human origin. They result from human activity. But markets are also at the mercy of the physical environment, made up of geography, location, climate, seasonality and accessibility of the market. Retailers find 34 Cybermarketing an Indian summer can damage their annual profit figures, and water companies need to be ready for the random appearance of dry years. The timing of such environmental events is difficult or impossible to predict, but a careful use of past records does make it possible to assess levels of risk and contingency for the surprisingly large number of businesses affected directly by the environment.

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Cybermarketing. How to use the Internet to market your goods and services by Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton and Upkar Pardesi (Eds.)

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