Application of Holography and Hologram Interferometry to - download pdf or read online

By Vlatko Brčić (auth.)

ISBN-10: 321181163X

ISBN-13: 9783211811634

ISBN-10: 3709126460

ISBN-13: 9783709126462

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Example text

M p n m p oc n m' n'rn I 1 1 ~ ---r-- r--------l------ -----------2 $ I I 2 3 t-----®--- :J ... --_-_-~-c ----- . 9- Decomposition of a Representative Thickness Element~ say at p ~ of the Model~ into the Four Associated "in effect", Singly Refractive, Non-Obstructing Specimens~ [Prn, lt 11 , fin] . 1) relates to the birefringence component of the optical property of the actual model, under conditions of the ini tial prototype hologram. The presence or absence of an applied Load, or residual stress-induced birefringence is indicated by this datum.

Since the hologram obtained with two coherent light beams is a function of their relative polarization, the analyzer is not necessary. It is also necessary to insert the pinhole and positioning device for spatial filtering of both the reference and the object beam. Of course, some alterations are always possible, with the aim to improve the quality of hologram and the quality of reconstructed image. The contrast of the fringe pattern will be enhanced if a light diffuser is placed in the object beam just ahead of the model.

20 m, and properly isolated from vibrations has to be used. In the paper by Fourney[l~the following recomandations to the practical achievement have been given: (1) The path lengths of the refernce and object beams should be made approximately equal so that the spatial coherence of two beams will be maintain ed. (2) The intensities of the two beams to be made approximately equal at the photographic plate so that the density gradients of the recorded interference pattern will be maximized. (3) The angle between the two beams at the holographic plate be made as small as possible.

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Application of Holography and Hologram Interferometry to Photoelasticity: Lectures Held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies by Vlatko Brčić (auth.)

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