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By Abbey Klaassen (Editor)

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Extra info for Advertising Age - 28 March 2011

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In order to grasp the contemporary signi®cance of `Marketing Myopia', it is necessary to appreciate its historical context. It is no exaggeration to state that the 1950s have acquired a kind of Pleasantvillesque lustre. They are regarded as an Edenic era, a bygone black and white age when the world was young, the burbs were burgeoning, tail-®nned autos cut the motoring mustard and the future was something to look forward to. It was a time when marketing became the new commercial credo; a time when sales- and product-orientated companies confessed to their sins of omission and 25% commission; a time when marketing doctrine was reformulated thanks to a series of stunning theoretical developments, theoretical developments that still occupy pride of place in principles textbooks.

36 The defective vision of Theodore Levitt Now, far be it for me to suggest that Father Ted plagiarized Packard for his own self-serving purposes. However, it has to be said that `Marketing Myopia' ± a paper, remember, based entirely on secondary information ± is somewhat parsimonious with the citations. Insuf®cient intellectual prunes are probably to blame, but the fact of the matter is that Levitt fails to acknowledge his reliance on Schumpeter's notion of `creative destruction'. What's more, he is condescendingly dismissive of the few sources that are referred to (Barzun's work on the railroads, Galbraith's `af¯uent society' thesis, the special issue of American Petroleum Institute Quarterly, etc).

As he openly acknowledges in the second (1981) edition of his best-seller, Reviewing marketing 35 The Hidden Persuaders only really took off thanks to the controversy surrounding Vicary's `experiments'. It transpires, moreover, that Vicary was one of Packard's principal informants, perhaps the principal informant. It is dif®cult to be sure, since VP's own research procedures are not clearly laid out, which is somewhat ironic given his castigation of motivation researchers' questionable practices.

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Advertising Age - 28 March 2011 by Abbey Klaassen (Editor)

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